Sunday, January 10, 2016

If one person lies to another and the person believes it and commits a drastic act that cannot be undone, then the person to blame is the one who lied. When Iago decides to be malicious and lies to Othello that Desdemona and Cassio have been having an affair and Othello believes him, Iago is to blame. To begin with Othello had believed Iago was a noble and honest friend. With this in mind it is safe to say that Othello didn’t seek for Iago to fail in any sense. The hatred was one sided from Iago’s part. Because of this Othello is viewed innocent. Iago on the other hand was filled with envy because Cassio was selected to become Othello’s lieutenant and he was his servant. This is what lead to Iago’s plan of revenge, and the fact that he thought Othello slept with Emilia. Iago’s lie caused a domino effect in the play. If he had not lied to Othello and strategically planned everything then Othello would not have believed him to the point of causing the death of Desdemona. If he had not started these rumors then there would not have been a conflict to begin with. Yes, it can be said that Othello is at fault for believing in Iago enough to kill his true love. However, when someone begins to tell you lies that actually seem to be true it is hard not to believe them. For example, when Iago told Othello that he would make Cassio confess to having an affair with Desdemona but was really talking to him about Bianca, gave Othello a sense of proof to Iago’s accusations. If someone were to hear what they think is proof then they would obviously believe the lie. Which again is Iago’s fault for allowing Othello to think the conversation was based off of Cassio and Desdemona’s relationship. Overall if Iago had not made Othello believe that Desdemona was cheating then Othello would not have killed her. His lie not only caused Desdemona’s death but Emilia’s, Roderigo’s, and Othello’s.


  1. I agree with you one hundred percent! Othello had put a great amount of trust in Iago from the beginning, he was his right hand man. Not to mention, Othello did spot his handkerchief of love in the hands of another person, and that was more than enough proof for him. I also believe Othello could had simply asked Desdemona, but of course, it would had been pretty difficult for Othello. Iago's lies caused the death of many friendships as well as lies and he is the only one to blame. Great job Karla, very well done!

  2. YYYYAAAAASSSSS!!!!! Pick Iago!!! Be different!! However...the claim you make about believing a lie that seems true seems off to me. I could argue that Othello is to blame because he decided to believe the lie and not investigate it further. But other than that your response was fine to me!
